2220 Mountain Blvd. | Suite 240 | Oakland, CA | 94611
  • 510.701.0846
April 13,2023

How to Process Forgiveness in Your Relationships

Forgiveness forms an inevitable aspect of any relationship, whether it is romantic or platonic. It is essential to learn how...

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March 27,2023

Low Expectations, High Standards: A Surprising Equation for a Happy...

As an Imago therapist, I often work with couples who feel stuck, disconnected, or dissatisfied with their marriage. Why does...

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February 22,2023

Forget Valentine’s Day – February Is Healthy Relationships Month!

Are you worried about making a big enough gesture for Valentine’s Day? The pressure is real, especially if your partner...

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January 25,2023

How to Reach Your New Year’s Relationship Goals

It’s easy to start off the year with lofty goals – personal, professional, and in your romantic partnership. It feels...

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December 15,2022

Cultivating Your Relationship: Would You Say That to a Friend?

We often forget that our mental health as an individual has a huge amount to do with the health of...

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November 4,2022

5 Ways to Make Your Partner’s Day Better

We all want to feel appreciated and loved in our relationship.  It is far too easy to take your partner...

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October 20,2022

Couples Hygge – “Self” Care for Relationships

You may have heard the Danish word “hygge” come up several years ago, when it was a finalist for the...

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September 20,2022

Newly Empty Nest? Optimize This Time to Reprioritize Your Marriage

Here is the most obvious nugget of knowledge ever: Having kids drastically changes your life. Priorities change. Your focus changes....

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August 9,2022

Reading Love: What Do Connection Bids Look Like?

“Love is simple.” “Love is complicated.” Both feel true at different times. If you could make a roadmap of love,...

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July 6,2022

Romantic Vacations Mean Managing Relationship Expectations

If we’re being honest, many of us have felt some of our lowest moments while on vacation. These didn’t make...

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Copyright @2020 Dana Cole, LMFT